Creating an Easter Sunday Lesson Plan
I hope everyone has already got their Easter Sunday events going, but those of you still looking for ideas just read below and find the Easter Play, Easter Feast... I have tips below also on planning your Easter Sunday School lesson.
Easter Special Offer!
Need an Affordable, User Friendly Church Membership Database and all the forms, certificates, flyers...(310+) on each in pdf and word/excel format?
For a limited time (through end of April 2011) I have the
Church Office Package Deal
(Shepherdbase - Church Membership Database and FCF (Free Church Forms) CD along with 3 Free Bonuses)
Creating an Easter Sunday Lesson Plan
Easter Activities for Kids
Easter Special Offer - Church Office Package Deal
FCF (Free Church Forms) CD (310+ Forms)
Church Offering Envelope Templates
"Top Ten Tips on How to Organize Your Office" Ebook Table of Contents
New/Recent Free Church Forms Web Pages
Shepherdbase & Bonus
Creating an Easter Sunday Lesson Plan
Easter Sunday is one of the most important holidays for Christians. The celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is fundamental to any Christian religion. Sunday school lessons on Easter Sunday should be prayerfully thought out prior to class. Focus on the importance of Christ's ministry, personal sacrifice as well as His ascension. Plan your lesson and deliver an essential lesson on the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Here are some tips:
- Orient your lesson to the age of your Sunday school class. Divide your lesson up into sections of about 15 minutes each for young children and 20 minutes for older children and adults.
- Create or find pictures that add to your Easter lesson. Visual aids can add another dimension to your lesson because some individuals are visual learners. Ask student's to bring in themed photographs in preparation for the lesson.
- Read the scriptures on the resurrection of Jesus from the Bible. Teach from the Bible. Ask your students to talk about their feelings about the scriptures. Discuss the imiportance of Christ's resurrection in your lives.
- Make coloring pages or handouts for younger children. Use games or songs throughout the lesson to gain the children's interest. Offer small craft projects that emphasize core scriptures.
- Write down questions to ask your students. Focus on important topics, and don't worry about making your students memorize every minute detail. Allow your class members to ask questions and use the Bible as your reference to answer those questions.
Easter Activities for Kids
On Easter Sunday, Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus after his crucifixion and death on the cross. Church doors open on Easter morning to regular church attenders and those who don't normally meet on Sunday mornings for worship. Sunday school classrooms experience an attendance jump due to the newcomers. We need to ensure that children who visit church on Easter are met with an experience that is enjoyable and welcoming. Plan children activities that reinforce the story of the resurrection.
Easter Play
You could present an Easter play for the children about the women at the empty tomb. The front of a three-legged bridal arch can be covered with paper-mache to create an empty tomb, and a dark cloth can be thrown over the back. A small cot will fit inside the arch for the place where Jesus' body was laid.
Easter Feast
Have your children attend a party with foods that helps tell about the resurrection of Jesus which is what Easter is all about. You can decorate the plate with parsley as a bitter herb that reminds believers that Jesus' sacrifice was a bitter price for him to pay. An egg represents new life. Salt water represents the tears shed by Jesus' mother and followers. Broken stick pretzels represent Jesus' broken body for man's sins. Apple sauce reminds believers of the sweetness of love and redemption. The Easter cookies in my previous newsletter represent the empty tomb. A lamb cake represents Jesus' sacrifice as the Lamb of God.
Explain the symbolism of the foods. Invite the children to share in the "meal". You might even send home the Easter cookie recipe for the students to share with their Mom and Dad.
Click here for more Easter Activities.
Easter Special Offer - Church Office Package Deal
For a limited time (through end of April 2011) I have the
Church Office Package Deal
(Shepherdbase - Church Membership Database and FCF (Free Church Forms) CD along with 3 Free Bonuses) for only $40.99 plus $6.00 (shippin in U.S.)!
You can read more about Shepherdbase and the FCF CD below.
FCF (Free Church Forms) CD (310+ Forms)
All the free church forms on are all in one CD. This awesome collection of free church forms, certificates, flyers all for one special price of $13.99 plus $6.00 shipping (in the U.S.).
The FCF CD includes:
- Free church forms, certificates, flyers...(310+ files each in PDF and Microsoft Office Word or Excel format).
- Table of Contents that includes folders/subfolders named the page in which they were generated and the name of the files under the folders.
- Free Bonus - Church Offering Envelope Templates#2 (short and long) are included in the CD.
- Also included is the free ebook - "Top Ten Tips to Organize Office".
Click here to purchase the Free Church Forms CD.
Church Offering Envelope Templates
**The Easter Offering Envelope and Love Offering Envelope templates are availble now.
The Church Offering Envelope templates are a great way to save your church some money in this rough economy today. All you need is a computer, printer and blank envelopes.
The Offering Envelope Templates measure 4 1/8 x 9 1/2 in (size 10) and 3 5/8 x 6 1/2 in (size 6 3/4) and fit in most pew racks. These are your normal sized envelopes you buy in the store (short and long).
They are customizable to where you can just insert your church name and print on your office or home printer. All you need is Microsoft Word 2007, buy your blank envelopes and print - very easy!
Your church members will be pleased with how these tithes envelopes represent both the Lord and your church.
Click here to access the Church Offering templates.
"Top Ten Tips on How to Organize Your Office" Free Ebook
This ebook is free to my newsletter customers/readers as a "Thank You" for subscribing to my newsletter. I have worked in several different secretarial areas with different jobs and I have learned the hard way how to organize more than one office. Take advantage of these tips in this free ebook and they will you to get your office organized. There will be other benefits you will find in my newsleters as time goes on so always open and read them so you don't miss out!
The "Top Ten Tips on How to Organize Your Office"Ebook is available to download. Just click on the link below that leads to the page where you can download and receive your free copy today.
"Top Ten Tips on How to Organize Your Office" Free Ebook Table of Contents
The Table of Contents is available here. You will now have access to more than 310+ free church forms listed in alphabetical order. I keep it updated with new church forms as I create them. I have them in categories so that you can just click on the form you want and it will lead you to that page.
Just click on the link below for the free FCF Table Of Contents. Enjoy! :) Table of Contents
New/Recent Free Church Forms Web Pages
I will be adding more forms to these pages along with new web pages as time goes along so don't miss an issue!
Shepherdbase has a Special Price of only $35.00 and you will receive 2 Offering Envelope Templates free as a Bonus! Hurry and Enjoy these Savings!
Shepherdbase (church membership database) will:
- Track member's information
- Track member's contributions and automates Annual Contribution Letters
- Filter church member's information with the click of a button
- Track Youth Camp Tuition/Concession
Shepherdbase is a very simple and user friendly database, but very powerful.
FYI: I have included a bonus now for purchasing the church membership database (Shepherdbase). If you purchase Shepherdbase you will receive as a Bonus two Offering Envelope templates free. You just download (need Microsoft Word 2007), customize and print - very easy!
If you purchased Shepherdbase in the past and would like to receive these Offering Envelope templates free, please just contact me and I will email them to you.
You can easily contact me through the my email: [email protected]. I will get back promptly with any questions you might have. God Bless You!