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"What Should Your Church Credit Card Policy Include?"
January 06, 2014

"What Should your Church Credit Card Policy Include?"

I hope and pray everyone had a Blessed & Happy New Year! I know you guys are so busy, but please take just a short moment to read this newsletter.

I have included in this issue what you should be including in your Church Credit Card Policies along with free sample policies and Church Credit Card forms.

I also have some more Church Fundraising Ideas to share with you because we have been doing fundraisers for the last 3 months to send our Pastor(s) to India on the 10th of this month! :) Also, don't forget to get your Annual Contribution Letters and Contribution Statements out to your church members before the dealine of January 31, 2014! If you don't have Shepherdbase then check it out below, it will save your life this time of year when doing contribution letters!

Shepherdbase - Are you finding yourself overwhelmed in the office? Shepherdbase will save you a lot of time in your church office. Shepherdbase - Church Membership Database will track memberships (unlimited with one time fee), contributions, attendance, merge contribution letters and much more On Sale Right Now Through January 31st 2014 for ONLY $29.99 by High Demand so Hurry & Enjoy these Savings!


"What Should your Church Credit Card Policy Include?"
Church Fundraising Ideas
Contribution Receipt Rules New Web Pages with New Forms
Shepherdbase (Church Membership Database) Dec 2013 Upgrade & Sale Extended
FCF (Free Church Forms) CD
Church Office Package – Special Limited Offer
Free eBook - ”Top 10 Tips on How to Organize Your Office” Table of Contents

"What Should your Church Credit Card Policy Include?"

It's imperative that any church issuing credit cards to employees and volunteers has a credit card policy to lay down usage guidelines. If you do not have a Credit Card Usage Policy and you do have employees and/or volunteers using a church credit card then use one of my samples (link below) to create one of your own now. You do need a policy to keep your church in compliance with the law and also how to keep your employees and/or volunteers organized on how and when to use the card.

At a bare minimum a church credit card policy should include these two things:

  • 1. Limit the Dollar Amounts of Single Purchases
  • 2. Restrict the Use of the Cards to Certain Businesses

It is good practice to have your church credit card policy also include:
  • Signature & Date - Employees/Volunteers should receive a copy of your credit card policy to read, sign, date and give to you before using the card. Insert this into their employee file for future purposes or in the event of misuse.
  • Receipt Requirement - Your employees/volunteers should have some policy of ensuring they bring back the receipt.
  • Rules of Card Misuse - There should be warnings of what will happen if the church credit card is misused (used for personal use). Example: First Offense = Verbal warning, Second Offense = Card surrendered for one month, Third Offense = Card surrendered for twelve months.
  • General Rules - Example: No cash withdrawals, etc.
  • Pre-Authorization - In some cases you will probably want pre-authorization before card use so you will need to specify. Also, specify how to get pre-authorization.
  • Reporting Lost or Stolen Card - You might think this is a given, but you do need to put this in your policy so they cannot say they didn't know.

There are four Credit Card Usage Forms available below:
  • Church Credit Card Purchase Approval Form - Use this form to approve a credit card purchase.
  • Credit Card Use Request Form - Employees/Volunteers to fill out when requesting Church Credit Card.
  • Credit Card User Log - Use this form to track all the credit card transactions, users, etc.
  • Missing Receipt Form - You can use this form for reimbursement requests for expenses for which the itemized receipt(s) are unavailable.

I have three Church Credit Card Policies (Samples) available for free to download, customize and print along with the free forms mentioned above just click the link below to access.

Church Credit Card Usage Policies (3) and Forms (4).

Church Fundraising Ideas

As I stated above, our church has been doing solid fundraisers for three months to get up the money to send our Pastor(s) to India Missions field. Some of the fundraisers we did are on my Church Fundraisers page, which I did include a link to below, but some are not. Here are a few great fundraiser ideas:
  • Scarfs Fundraiser We had a sister in our church who bought the material and made a bunch of scarfs - over a $1,000 in scarf purchases. I don't know about where you live, but Oklahoma has had the coldest winter we have had in a long time so these sold like hot cakes with all the ladies in our church and in our local area. If you can get the material donated and a few ladies to make them you can sell them for $10.00 a piece easy!
  • Beef Jerky Fundraiser We had one young brother from our church who bought beef jerky (the good kind :) at Sam's Club here in OK and was able to sell them for a $1.00 and make .50 on each one. He made around $400 just by himself. Our entire church loves beef jerky and so does our local community.
  • Indian Taco Fundraiser We have had this great fundraiser before - you will find the forms by clicking the link below. We have a great sister who can make Indian Fry Bread better than anyone I know and our entire town begs us to do this one. We make Indian Tacos with a desert for $6.00 a piece and deliver to all the businesses in town through their lunch breaks (11:00 am through 2:00 pm). We have church members donate the ingredients and all the money went to Missions ($1,400.00)!
  • Members Special Gift We had everyone of our special sisters in our church make what they make best. I always said God gave us all a gift and we need to use it and they did! If there are some members that does not have the money to make what they want to then someone else will usually donate their supplies, but I raised $640.00 myself selling my pecan pies! My church dearly loves my pecan pies and I have 40 acres with lots of pecan trees so I was able to donate all the supplies and all the proceeds went to missions, which put a huge smile on my face. :)

These are just a few more fundraiser ideas but I hope it helps your church when you do your fundraising. If you have any questions about these fundraisers you can contact me I will be happy to assist you.

There many more Church Fundraiser Ideas just click the links below.

Click here for more Church Fundraiser Ideas and Indian Taco Fundraiser Forms!

Click here for more information on the "Let's Raise Money" eBook (an affiliate of mine - great eBook).

Contribution Receipt Rules

Contributions receipt rules have changed! Since the 2007 tax year, a donor may only deduct a donation by cash or check if they have a receipt or bank record of the donation.

Before then, you could use your check registers or personal notations as documentation.

Now all donations must have proof of the deductions. As stated above that proof may be either a bank record or a donation receipt.

Click Here for More Information on Contribution Receipt Rules. New Web Pages with New Forms

I will be continually adding new don't miss an issue!

Shepherdbase (Church Membership Database) Dec 2013 Upgrade & Sale Extended

Shepherdbase (Church Membership Database) is On Sale Right Now Through January 31, 2014 by High Demand for ONLY $29.99. You will also receive 2 Offering Envelope Templates, Church Auto-Monthly (change to any month or year with click of button) Calendars and Offering Count Sheet free as a Bonus for purchasing Shepherdbase! Hurry and Enjoy these Savings!

Shepherdbase (church membership database) will:
  • Track member's information along with a place for member's picture and automates First Time Visitor Letters for new members
  • Track member's contributions and automates Annual Contribution Letters at the end of the year
  • Filter church member's information with the click of a button
  • Track Church Attendance and automates Attendance Report

Shepherdbase is a very simple and user friendly database, but very powerful.

If you purchased Shepherdbase before Sept. 2011 and would like to receive the latest new updated version of "Shepherdbase" (December 2013 Upgrade) free of charge contact me.

FCF (Free Church Forms) CD

This great CD has all the free church forms, certificates, brochures, flyers...(600+) on along with 4 Bonuses as a Thank You for purchasing the CD all for one special price of $13.99 plus shipping and handling ($7.00 in the U.S. or $27.00 outside the U.S.).

The FCF CD includes:

  • Free church forms, certificates, flyers...(600+ forms each in PDF and Microsoft Office Word 2007 or higher version format - some in Excel). Also continually updated to include the latest forms created.

  • Table of Contents that includes folders/subfolders named the page in which they were generated and the name of the files under the folders.

  • Bonus#1 - Church Offering Envelope Templates#2 (short and long) are included in the CD.
  • Bonus#2 - Expense Report in MS Excel format that will automatically calculate expenses.
  • Bonus#3 - Beautiful 12 Month Photo Auto-Year Calendar in Microsoft Office Excel format that you can easily automate any year you want with the click of a button and change any of the photos very easily on any month you choose.
  • Bonus#4 -eBook - "Top Ten Tips on How to Organize Your Office".
Click here to purchase the Free Church Forms CD.

Church Office Package – Special Limited Offer!

The Church Office Package includes Shepherdbase - Church Membership Database and the FCF (Free Church Forms) CD along with all the Free Bonuses for only $40.99 plus shipping and handling ($7.00 in U.S. or $27.00 outside the U.S.)! Hurry and Enjoy these Savings!

Click here to purchase the Church Office Package Deal

Free eBook - ”Top Ten Tips on How to Organize Your Office”

This awesome eBook is free to my newsletter subscribers as a special "Thank You" for subscribing to my newsletter. I have worked in several different secretarial areas with different jobs and I have learned the hard way how to organize more than one office. Take advantage of these tips in this free eBook and they will help get your office organized. Just click on the link below to download your free copy today.

"Top Ten Tips on How to Organize Your Office" Table of Contents

The Table of Contents is available here. You will now have access to all of the free church forms...listed in alphabetical order. I update it with new church I create them. I have them in categories so that you can just click on the form you want and it will lead you to that page. Just click on the link below for the free FCF Table of Contents. Enjoy! :) Table of Contents

If you have any questions, you can easily contact me through my email: [email protected] or reply to this newsletter. I will get back promptly with any questions you might have.

Have a Blessed Day!

Need Free Small Business Forms, Certificates, Flyers…Visit

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