Tips on a Background Check Policy
I pray "All is Well". I have some great tips on Background Check Policies to ensure that you are protecting your church family so take a quick moment to read below along with a free sample Background Check Policy.
Can you believe Pastor Appreciation Month is just around the corner? Check out the Pastor Appreciation Scriptures that you can use in a number of ways throughout this special month to show your Pastor(s) appreciation. Also, check out the great information on Tax Exempt Status for Churches.
Shepherdbase - Are you finding yourself overwhelmed in the office? Shepherdbase will save you a lot of time in your church office. Shepherdbase - Church Membership Database will track memberships (unlimited with one time fee), contributions, attendance and much more for ONLY $34.99 so Hurry & Enjoy these
"Tips on a Background Check Policy"
Does your church do background checks? If yes, then definitely make sure you have a policy in effect along with all the forms you need to complete this process.
A background check can provide churches with valuable information about an applicant's qualifications and fit within your organization or church. However, state and federal laws can create traps for the unwary. Before conducting a background check or creating a policy, you need to:
- Understand the Law - If your church hires an outside agency to conduct their background checks, you must comply with the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act and similar state laws, which regulate the use of "consumer reports". Consumer reports include any outside agency communications that contain information bearing on a person's character, general reputation, personal characteristics or mode of living such as applicant's driving records, criminal history, credit history, and possibly his or her social
media activity. These laws require employers to notify an applicant before conducting a background check and before taking adverse action based upon the results. Failure to follow these requirements can result in civil and criminal penalties. Definitely research the laws in your state before doing any background checks and include these procedures in your policy.
- Discuss the Timing - Background checks can reveal information that you are not entitled to during the application process, such as age, sexual orientation, disability, religion, race or national origin. The applicant might believe that without their permission based an adverse decision on this information by obtaining this information in advance before the conditional offer. You need to make this clear when extending an offer that employment is conditioned upon a satisfactory background check.
- Be Careful Before Searching Social Media - Many churches might search the applicant's social media
profile as part of the their background check. Just remember, there is a risk that the search will reveal information that you are not permitted to obtain or consider such as an applicant's membership in a protected class. Just be careful and think it over whether the information you receive from social media outweighs the risk. NEVER request an applicant's social media account password.
- Be Consistent - Use background checks in a consistent manner because the federal and state laws prohibit employers from discriminating against job applicants based upon race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy and age. Consistency in application of your background check policy is imperative.
- Be Well-Informed - With background check laws evolving in many areas especially in credit information and social media, it is extremely important to keep your Background Check policies up-to-date at all times. Do not hesitate to
contact a legal professional for legal language for your specific state and church.
The sample Background Check Policy will not be for your individual church because every state has different laws and every church is different but you can use it as a guide to create one for your church.
Click Here for the Background Check Policy (Sample) available free to download.
Pastor Appreciation Month Scriptures
Do you create cards for your Pastor(s) for Pastor Appreciation Month? If yes, then you will appreciate these Pastor Appreciation Scriptures to insert into your cards.
These awesome bible verses/scriptures (King James Version) can be used in many different ways during this special month for your Pastor(s). Here are a few of the Pastor Appreciation Scriptures:
- Hebrews 13:17 - Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.
- Isaiah 55:4 - Behold, I have given him for a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people.
- Psalms 37:23 - The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.
- Jeremiah 3:15 - And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.
- 1 Thessalonians 1:3 - Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father.
Click Here for the 3 pages of Pastor Appreciation Scriptures and much more available free to download.
Tax Exempt Status for Churches
Churches qualify for exemption from federal income tax under IRC Section 501(c)(3). With this tax exempt status they are also eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions.
Are churches automatically exempt from federal income tax? Most of the time...yes. It should be clear that your organization is definitely a church.
Note: Although churches are exempt from filing 990 tax returns, ministries are NOT exempt.
If you have filed for tax exempt recognition from the IRS with a 1023 form and been approved, check your 501(c)(3) letter and see what the IRS classified you as.
Click Here to Read More on "Tax Exempt Status for Churches".
FreeChurchForms.com New Web Pages with New Forms
I will be continually adding new forms...so don't miss an issue!
Shepherdbase (Church Membership Database)
Shepherdbase (Church Membership Database) is ONLY $34.99. You will also receive two Offering Envelope Templates, Church Auto-Monthly (change to any month or year with click of button) Calendars and Offering Count Sheet free as a Bonus for purchasing Shepherdbase! Hurry and Enjoy these Savings!
Shepherdbase (Church Membership Database) will:
- Track member's information along with a place for member's picture and automates First Time Visitor Letters for new members
- Track member's contributions and automates Annual Contribution Letters at the end of the year
- Filter church member's information with the click of a button
- Track Church Attendance and automates Attendance Report
Shepherdbase is a very simple
and user friendly database, but very powerful.
Click Here to Purchase Shepherdbase Now!
If you purchased Shepherdbase before December 2013 and would like to receive the latest new updated version of "Shepherdbase" (December 2013 Upgrade) free of charge contact me.
Church Forms CD
This great CD has all the free church forms, certificates, brochures, flyers...(700+) on FreeChurchForms.com along with 4 Bonuses as a Thank You for purchasing the CD all for one special price of $13.99 plus shipping and handling ($7.00 in the U.S. or $27.00 outside the U.S.).
The Church CD includes:
- Church forms, certificates, flyers...(700+ forms each in PDF and Microsoft Office Word 2007 or higher version format - some in Excel). Also continually updated to include the latest forms created.
- FreeChurchForms.com Table of Contents that includes folders/subfolders named the page in which they were generated and the name of the files under the folders.
- Bonus#1 - Church Offering Envelope Templates#2 (short and long) are included in the CD.
- Bonus#2 - Expense Report in MS Excel format that will automatically calculate expenses.
- Bonus#3 - Beautiful 12 Month Photo Auto-Year Calendar in
Microsoft Office Excel format that you can easily automate any year you want with the click of a button and change any of the photos very easily on any month you choose.
- Bonus#4 -eBook - "Top Ten Tips on How to Organize Your Office".
Click here to purchase the Free Church Forms CD.
Church Office Package – Special Limited Offer!
The Church Office Package includes Shepherdbase - Church Membership Database and the Church Forms CD along with all the Free Bonuses for only $40.99 plus shipping and handling ($7.00 in U.S. or $27.00 outside the U.S.)! Hurry and Enjoy these Savings!
Click here to purchase the Church Office Package Deal
Free eBook - ”Top Ten Tips on How to Organize Your Office”
This awesome eBook is free to my newsletter subscribers as a special "Thank You" for subscribing to my newsletter. I have worked in several different secretarial areas with different jobs and I have learned the hard way how to organize more than one office. Take advantage of these tips in this free eBook and they will help get your office organized. Just click on the link below to download your free copy today.
"Top Ten Tips on How to Organize Your Office"
FreeChurchForms.com Table of Contents
The FreeChurchForms.com Table of Contents is available here. You will now have access to all of the free church forms...listed in alphabetical order. I update it with new church forms...as I create them. I have them in categories so that you can just click on the form you want and it will
lead you to that page. Just click on the link below for the free FCF Table of Contents. Enjoy! :)
FreeChurchForms.com Table of Contents
If you have any questions, you can easily contact me through my email: [email protected] or reply to this newsletter. I will get back promptly with any questions you might have.
Happy Labor Day!
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