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"Guidelines to Writing Job Offer Letters"
July 07, 2014

Guidelines to Writing Job Offer Letters

Wow, I can't believe it is July already...I wish time could slow down just a little bit so I could keep up with it. :) Please take a quick moment out of your busy schedule to see the Guidelines to Writing Job Offer Letters along with some free sample Job Offer Letters.

Also, check out the new church job description samples I have available and the "Procedures for Internal & External Church Audits".

Shepherdbase - Are you finding yourself overwhelmed in the office? Shepherdbase will save you a lot of time in your church office. Shepherdbase - Church Membership Database will track memberships (unlimited with one time fee), contributions, attendance and much more for ONLY $34.99 by High Demand so Hurry & Enjoy these Savings!


"Guidelines to Writing Job Offer Letters"

What is a job offer letter? It is a letter with the purpose to generally extend an offer of employment to an individual and to communicate some basic benefit and employment information about the position offered.

Many churches, organizations and even christian schools use offer letters to communicate the terms of employment to potential employees. However, always remember that offer letters seem simple to write but they can get you into legal problems if you're not careful.

Here are guidelines when writing your job offer letter:

  • Be Careful with Your Wording - You might be simply stating "We are so excited to have you join our ministry, and we expect you to be with us for a long time." This can be misunderstood by the employee and the courts to be a contractual offer of long-term employment. Six months down the road if you fire this employee for any reason they might sue you for breach of contract. Just be careful not to include language in your letters that the courts could treat as contracts.
  • Exclude Certain Information - An offer letter should exclude promises of employment for a period of time, detailed information about all your benefits - refer them to policies, and acceptance by signing the letter.
  • Always Include - Always include the Title of the job that is being offered, pay, reference to a benefit schedule (or attachment that discusses some information they might need - such as vacation/sick time, and insurance), potential start date, at-will and termination language, and acceptance of the offer.

It is good practice to always have a job description for every position you fill; however, the offer letter is not the place to address specific job duties. If possible, attach the job description to offer letter or better yet provide one during the job interview or after the person has been hired.

Employment-At-Will language might appear too formal or sound like "legalese" but it is extremely important to include it your offer letter. Without this language, courts have construed offer letters as contracts. It allows the employee to end employment whenever he or she chooses, but it also gives the ministry the right to terminate an employee with or without cause for any reason not prohibited by law.

The final portion of the letter requests that the applicant formally accept the offer. It's also the opportunity to end the letter on an upbeat note.

Click Here to download the Free Job Offer Letter Samples & a Pastor Acceptance Sample Letter.

New Church Job Description Samples

What is a job description? A broad, general and written statement of a specific job, based on the findings of a job analysis. Generally, the description includes duties, purpose, responsibilities, scope, and working conditions of a job along with the job's title, and the name or designation of the person to whom the employee reports.

Job Descriptions for church staff can be a very effective way to organize your church employees. Unless the jobs of your church employees or volunteers are described and defined they will not be able to work as effectively as they should.

New Church Job Description Samples

  • Associate Pastor
  • Business Administrator
  • Church Hostess
  • Education Ministry Assistant
  • Financial Ministry Assistant
  • Minister of Education
  • Minister of Recreation (Activities)
  • Pastor
  • Trustees

    Click Here for the New Church Job Description Samples along with Many More Free Job Description Samples!

    Procedures for Internal & External Church Audits

    What is a church audit? A church audit is a process that provides reasonable assurance that good stewardship is being used in handling and accounting for the funds and other assets of your organization.

    A nonprofit or church audit may be external (performed by an outside CPA) and/or internal (reviewed by business people in your organization who understand financial management and are not related in any way to the person preforming the financial tasks in the church).

    Why would your organization want a church audit? Because it is the best way to:

    • Protect the persons your organization elects to offices of financial responsibility from unwarranted charges of careless or improper handling of funds;
    • Build the trust and confidence of the financial supporters of the organization in the way their money is being accounted for;
    • Set habits of fiscal responsibility to assure that when there is turnover in personnel there will be continuity in accountability;
    • Assure that contributions made to the organization with special conditions attached are consistently administered in accordance with the donors' instructions, and thereby letting donors know their contributions are being used as intended;
    • Provide checks and balances for sums received and expended. Audit or Agreed Upon Procedures engagement is not a reflection on the competence or integrity of your financial staff. Rather, it is a routine procedure designed to protect both your staff and your church.

    Click Here to Read More on "Procedures for Internal & External Church Audits". New Web Pages with New Forms

    I will be continually adding new don't miss an issue!

    Shepherdbase (Church Membership Database)

    Shepherdbase (Church Membership Database) is ONLY $34.99. You will also receive two Offering Envelope Templates, Church Auto-Monthly (change to any month or year with click of button) Calendars and Offering Count Sheet free as a Bonus for purchasing Shepherdbase! Hurry and Enjoy these Savings!

    Shepherdbase (Church Membership Database) will:
    • Track member's information along with a place for member's picture and automates First Time Visitor Letters for new members
    • Track member's contributions and automates Annual Contribution Letters at the end of the year
    • Filter church member's information with the click of a button
    • Track Church Attendance and automates Attendance Report

    Shepherdbase is a very simple and user friendly database, but very powerful.

    Click Here to Purchase Shepherdbase Now!

    If you purchased Shepherdbase before December 2013 and would like to receive the latest new updated version of "Shepherdbase" (December 2013 Upgrade) free of charge contact me.

    Church Forms CD

    This great CD has all the free church forms, certificates, brochures, flyers...(700+) on along with 4 Bonuses as a Thank You for purchasing the CD all for one special price of $13.99 plus shipping and handling ($7.00 in the U.S. or $27.00 outside the U.S.).

    The Church CD includes:

    • Church forms, certificates, flyers...(700+ forms each in PDF and Microsoft Office Word 2007 or higher version format - some in Excel). Also continually updated to include the latest forms created.

    • Table of Contents that includes folders/subfolders named the page in which they were generated and the name of the files under the folders.

    • Bonus#1 - Church Offering Envelope Templates#2 (short and long) are included in the CD.
    • Bonus#2 - Expense Report in MS Excel format that will automatically calculate expenses.
    • Bonus#3 - Beautiful 12 Month Photo Auto-Year Calendar in Microsoft Office Excel format that you can easily automate any year you want with the click of a button and change any of the photos very easily on any month you choose.
    • Bonus#4 -eBook - "Top Ten Tips on How to Organize Your Office".
    Click here to purchase the Free Church Forms CD.

    Church Office Package – Special Limited Offer!

    The Church Office Package includes Shepherdbase - Church Membership Database and the Church Forms CD along with all the Free Bonuses for only $40.99 plus shipping and handling ($7.00 in U.S. or $27.00 outside the U.S.)! Hurry and Enjoy these Savings!

    Click here to purchase the Church Office Package Deal

    Free eBook - ”Top Ten Tips on How to Organize Your Office”

    This awesome eBook is free to my newsletter subscribers as a special "Thank You" for subscribing to my newsletter. I have worked in several different secretarial areas with different jobs and I have learned the hard way how to organize more than one office. Take advantage of these tips in this free eBook and they will help get your office organized. Just click on the link below to download your free copy today.

    "Top Ten Tips on How to Organize Your Office" Table of Contents

    The Table of Contents is available here. You will now have access to all of the free church forms...listed in alphabetical order. I update it with new church I create them. I have them in categories so that you can just click on the form you want and it will lead you to that page. Just click on the link below for the free FCF Table of Contents. Enjoy! :) Table of Contents

    If you have any questions, you can easily contact me through my email: [email protected] or reply to this newsletter. I will get back promptly with any questions you might have.

    Have a Blessed Day!

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