Are you looking for church resources? If yes, you are in the right place! Here you will find 1,000+ Free Church Forms, Letters, Certificates, Policies, Flyers, Brochures, Cards, Games... to download, customize and print absolutely free along with many other valuable free gifts!
Church forms are not always easy to find on the web so I was inspired to build this website to try and make it a little easier for small or large churches to find forms for all areas of their church. The free church forms, certificates, flyers...are available 24 hours a day 365 days a year with immediate access. It's easy and free - just find the form you want and download it!
Do you need an affordable, user friendly church membership database? If yes, click Shepherdbase on left Navigation bar (top left side of your screen), and if you need an affordable, user friendly event tracking database for your Pastor and/or church then click Pastoral Recordbase on left Navigation bar.
Click the link below to translate any of these free church forms, letters, etc. from English to Spanish and more.
Haga clic en el enlace de abajo para traducir cualquiera de estas formas, letras, etc. de Inglés a Español y más.
Translate forms, letters, etc. from English to Spanish and more.
Free eBook - "Top 10 Tips on How to Organize Your Office"
when you...
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Christmas is a very special holiday where we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ our Lord. Christmas is definitely one of my favorite holidays!
We have lots of free printable Christmas activities available free to download and print for your events at church and/or home.
Click here to access the free Christmas Cards, Crafts, Forms, Ideas & Activities and Much More to download and print at your convenience 24/7.
I love to find free stuff on the internet as long as it's not bait to rip me off. You don't have to worry about this website (free church forms). There is no hidden cost, free trial period, or "collecting all your information so I can sell to the highest bidder" cost.
If you have been surfing the web trying to find some free church forms or even some certificates you have found the right place. Feel free to look around! :)
Shepherdbase (Church Membership Database)
I created (Shepherdbase) so even small churches could afford to have a way to track their memberships, contributions, attendance and much more!
You can purchase Shepherdbase On Sale Right Now for a limited time for ONLY $39.99 with instant download (One Time Fee). As a Bonus and Thank You for purchasing Shepherdbase you will receive these free gifts (Offering Envelope Templates, Offering Count Sheets & Auto-Yearly Seasonal Calendar) - Hurry and Enjoy These Savings and Benefits!
Shepherdbase will:
Pastoral Recordbase
(Event/Sermon Tracking Database)
This database is simple and user friendly. Many churches have volunteers but they can easily use Pastoral Recordbase with ease. I created (Pastoral Recordbase) so even small churches and/or Pastors could afford to have a way to track their sermons and their events such as baby dedications, baptisms, funerals, weddings, etc.!
You can purchase Pastoral Recordbase On Sale Right Now for ONLY $29.99 with instant download! (One Time Fee) As a Bonus and Thank You for purchasing the Pastoral Recordbase you will receive free gifts/bonuses (Event Certificate Templates (4) & Event Planning Tracker in MS Excel) - Hurry and Enjoy These Savings and Benefits!
Pastoral Recordbase will:
Special Limited Offers!
Church Office Package #1 (Shepherdbase - Church Membership Database + Church Forms - All the Forms on this Website - 2 CDs)!
For a limited can purchase the Church Office Package #1 Deal (Shepherdbase CD - Church Membership Database & the Church Forms CD with 1,000+ forms...along with Free Bonuses)! for only $69.99 plus Shipping & Handling ($10.00 anywhere in the United States) - Savings of $14.99 or the Church Office Package Instant Download (No CDs) for only $54.99 anywhere in or outside the U.S.!
Office Package #2 (Shepherdbase - Church Membership Database + Church
Forms - All the Forms on this Website and Pastoral Recordbase -
Event/Sermon Tracking Database - 3 CDs)!
For a limited can purchase the Church
Office Package Deal #2 (Shepherdbase CD - Church Membership Database,
Church Forms CD with 1,000+ forms and Pastoral Recordbase CD -
Events/Sermons Tracking Database...along with all the Free Bonuses)! for only $99.99 - Savings of $24.98 - plus Shipping & Handling ($10.00 anywhere in the United States)
or the Church Office Package #2 Instant Download (No CDs) for ONLY $74.99 anywhere in or outside the U.S.!
Click here for more information or to purchase one of the Church Office Packages!
Do you ever feel overwhelmed, stressed and maybe at a lost over your church finances and/or church accounting? If so, you're not alone and don't worry I have the solution right here in this book - "The How-To Guide for Small & Growing Churches" Paperback Book!
As you probably know, church accounting is not the same as business accounting. For instance, if you are a church bookkeeper you must be aware of special tax codes that govern the church's unique tax standing. Way to often particularly in smaller churches with volunteer administrators or overworked employees they do not know every aspect of the tax codes that affects their church's ability to accept donations, oversee a benevolence fund, and also offer a compensation package for their minister.
This website is very easy to use as well as informative, and will save you and your very precious church time and money. has free church forms, letters, certificates, flyers, brochures and so much more that has been created to help small churches or churches of any size or denomination to be able to download, modify and print professional and attractive free church forms, flyers, beautiful church certificates, cards, brochures, games...and even a free eBook - "Top Ten Tips on How to Organize Your Office"!
Important: The free church forms, agreements, contracts, etc. that you have searched online and received free or the ones that you paid for can never replace the advice of a lawyer. Each individual state has different circumstances and laws that apply to different types of churches and organizations. We strongly recommend that you have your church forms especially legal agreements or contracts, reviewed by a lawyer in your state for any questions or legalities for your own individual church.
These sample free church forms on are meant to serve as example forms and should not be construed as legal documents. Please contact a legal professional for legal language for your specific state and organization.
I'm continually creating more free church forms, certificates, download so subscribe to this site via the RSS feed below nav bar on left!
Do you use QuickBooks for your church accounting needs?
If yes, then the "QuickBooks® for Churches and Other Religious Organizations" by Lisa London, CPA, eBook below is a must for you!
Lisa will walk you through QuickBooks from start to finish, complete with examples, terminology, and everything a busy church administrator or bookkeeper needs to know.
This book is written for the beginner and advanced church bookkeepers alike, in a friendly and easy-to-understand style. It includes:
Click the link(s) below to access:
QuickBooks Classes for Nonprofits and Churches
Imagine understanding how to use QuickBooks for your nonprofit. You CAN master those dreaded accounting tasks because of the step-by-step instructions. Classes are available now.
No Nightmare, No Stress. Just step-by-step instructions on setting up and using QuickBooks Online.
Lisa London, CPA is the perfect instructor for these QuickBooks classes. You ask why? Because I personally know this lady who is a friend of mine and she is the perfect instructor for these classes!
For more information on these "QuickBooks Classes" click the link below:
I have the Table of Contents available with all the free church forms, letters, certificates, categories. You can just click on the church form you need and it will bring you directly to the page to download. You can access the Table of Contents by simply signing up for my Free Monthly Newsletter (top right hand corner of screen).
There are no hidden costs. You will just have access to lots of great
church information, new free church forms, certificates, flyers, brochures, sample policies and procedures... and you will
also have access to my free 14 page eBook - "Top Ten Tips on How to Organize Your Office" as a Thank You Gift for signing up.
Just simply enter your email address in the small form in the top right corner of screen and subscribe to the "The Form Gallery"
and you will be able to access the Table of
Contents immediately in any back issue, and receive the free eBook today
Who am I?
My name is Terressa Pierce. I work a full time job (home business). I'm also the secretary for my church. I've been the Church Secretary for 27+ years now, and I really enjoy the ministry God has given me even though it has been very stressful at times.
I've worked as a secretary in many different fields for most of my
life (40+ years), and I know how stressful this job can
be at times.
I love to create different types of forms that can save me and other
people in the office lots of time and stress. I just want to be able to
share my work and free church forms and save God's precious, hard working, loving people some
time and stress out of their busy schedules in their ministries.
We have a Wonderful Church Financial Adviser at our church who has inspired me to do this website. She has a website where she gives away free church accounting spreadsheets and lots more.
Before she was elected our Financial Adviser I was literally pulling every one of my hairs out trying to keep up with our accounting on a paper ledger. She created a simple accounting software just for me and made my life sooooooo much easier. She has been able to share her accounting spreadsheets with all kinds of wonderful people all over the world.
We have a small nonprofit church and we're not able to just go buy the software we need. She has made my life easier and she can make yours easier also. You will be glad you did.
I will be referring visitors to her website for free church accounting financial spreadsheets, and nonprofit accounting information. She also has all kinds of free church accounting information you need to know regarding church tax laws, etc. that you would have to pay for from any other site. Please feel free to visit her website at
All the church forms, letters, flyers, games, beautiful church certificates, crafts, brochures, cards, etc. are easy to download and they are absolutely free. Feel free to download what you need at your convenience 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Feel free to search my site for whatever needs you might have. Also, please sign up for my free newsletter to keep up-to-date on my new free church forms, certificates, flyers...and also receive great information on church-related issues and forms.
Please contact me with any questions or concerns you might have. I really appreciate and enjoy the sweet sincere emails thanking me for this website and for all the hard work I have done to help other churches including their own church. You can find some these emails on the right hand side of the screen. I also enjoy meeting people from all over the world!
Collection of all the Church Forms, Flyers, Certificates...(1,000+) on available on CD or Instant Download - each form available in Microsoft Office Word editable format. Plus 5 Free Bonuses!
The Church Forms CD is Convenient and Saves Time
Need an Affordable, User Friendly Church Membership Database? Shepherdbase Could Be Just What You Have Been Looking For...Available on CD or Instant Download.
Need an Affordable, User Friendly Event/Sermon Tracking Database? Pastoral Recordbase Could Be Just What You Have Been Looking For. Available on CD or Instant Download.
Special Offer!
(Shepherdbase CD & Church Forms CD with 1,000+ forms, flyers...along with Free Bonuses) - Also Instant Download Available!
(Shepherdbase CD, Church Forms CD with 1,000+ forms... & Pastoral Recordbase CD along with Free Bonuses) - Also Instant Download Available!
Church Offering Envelope Templates
Very easy to download, modify and print on your blank envelopes.
Powerful Church Software
Are you tired of trying to manage your church from several different systems and spreadsheets?
You need Aplos.
Cloud-based software to handle your accounting, people, and giving from one platform.
Church Finances Accounting Book
Are you stressed about your church accounting? If yes, then you need this accounting book!
Visitor Testimonials
Does your church use QuickBooks? If yes, then the "QuickBooks for Churches and Other Religious Organizations" by Lisa London, CPA eBook below is a must for you!
Lisa will
walk you through QuickBooks from start to finish, complete with
examples, terminology, and everything a busy church administrator or
bookkeeper needs to know. For more information just click the link above!
Check out on Your Mobile!