Church Internet Acceptable Use Policy (2 Samples)

The Church Internet Acceptable Use Policy (2 Samples) are available free to download, customize and print for your church office...

The Church Internet Use Policy (2 Samples) below is a free tool to use for your church office to create their own policies and procedures for acceptable church internet use.

The first Church Internet Acceptable Use Policy below is a sample for your church to use to develop guidelines for internet usage on church computers. You can replace "[Church Name]" with your church name and make the necessary adjustments to the policy language as needed. This policy includes:

  • Policy Guidelines - [Church Name] provides certain employees access to the vast information resources of the internet with the intention of increasing productivity and enhancing church-related communication. While this access has the potential for employees to do their jobs faster or smarter, there is justifiable concern that is can also be misused. Such misuse can waste time, potentially violate laws, ordinances or other [Church Name] policies, garner negative publicity for the church and potentially expose it to significant legal liabilities. This Internet Usage Policy, which applies to all employees, is designed to facilitate understanding of the expectations for the use of these resources. (Download the policy below to see rest of policy guidelines.)
  • Detailed Internet Policy Provisions -1. [Church Name] domain name will appear with every internet post made by a church computer user. Any user may thus be viewed as a representative of [Church Name] while conducting business on the internet. During any internet use, users are required to refrain from any activity or communication that would have a negative impact on [Church Name] or the reputation of [Church Name]. 2. User IDs and passwords help maintain individual accountability for internet resource usage. Any user who obtains a password or ID for an internet resource must keep that password confidential. [Church Name] policy prohibits the sharing of user IDs or passwords obtained for access to internet sites. 4. Only those persons who are duly authorized to speak to the media or public gatherings on behalf of [Church Name] on a particular subject may speak/write in the name of [Church Name] to any blog, newsgroup or chat room. Other users may participate in blogs, newsgroups or chats in the course of business when relevant to their duties, but they do so as individuals speaking only for themselves and should make that clear in their communication. Only those personals who are authorized to speak to the media or public gatherings on behalf of [Church Name] on a particular subject may grant such authority to blog, newsgroup or chat participants. (Download the policy below to see rest of provisions.)
  • Policy Statement - "I hereby certify that I have read, and that I agree to, this Internet Use Policy."
  • Employee/Volunteer Signature & Date
Click on the link(s) to download the Church Internet Usage Policies below:

Church Internet Usage Policy #1

Church Internet Usage Policy #2

If you need to modify this form, try the site: Free PDF Services. You can convert this Adobe file into a Word document free of charge and make the necessary changes.

Note: You will need Adobe Reader (the latest version is recommended) installed on your computer in order to save or open these forms.

You can get Adobe Reader free here (a new window will open so you can download it without leaving this page).

If you want to open the file in your browser window, just click on one of the links above. However, if you want to download the file to view later, then right-click on the link and choose "Save Target As" or "Save File As". Then select where you want to save the file on your hard drive.

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Note: These sample forms are meant to serve as example forms and should not be construed as legal documents.  Please contact a legal professional for legal language for your specific organization.

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Return to Church Policy Manual from Church Internet Acceptable Use Policy (2).

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Visitor Testimonials

*I wanted to take a minute (during my email time slot) to thank you for all this work you do and share with the small church community. You and your staff (if you have some) are very much a blessing. Thank you, Elizabeth - PA - U.S.
*Terressa! I received the discs today!! A few years back I was at a small church that used your software and it was perfect for their volunteers to use. The church I am at now has 2 volunteer secretaries and one found your product and I gushed!!! Her first request is a directory so this will be perfect. God Bless you for creating such a great system (Shepherdbase). Regards - Tonya - OK - U.S.
*This is the 1st time I've visited your website and I just wanted to say "thank you". I go to a very small Christian Church and thanks to you, the forms you have for a children's ministry will keep me from having to "reinvent the wheel" and I am very grateful to you. We are a very small church (about 40 regular attendees) and 90% of those are over 65. We just had a young couple offer to help us get a Youth Group. Thanks to you, we won't have to do to much to get this off and running for the holiday season. Thanks again! - Kentucky - U.S.
*I do the tithes at the end of the year for a very small outreach in the city of Detroit. They had been paying thousands of dollars every several years trying to keep a database of their donors.

I searched last year for something less costly for them and came across your database (Shepherdbase). It is a blessing and so appreciated. Thank you for all your hard work and thank you for Giving To The Lord. Peacemakers Int. in Detroit on Chene street is another ministry you have blessed. - Charlene - U.S. *Disclaimer

*This website has been very useful for my ministries with Hospice, the Hospital and Human Services. I recommend this website to any church, ministry or agency that is supporting or ministering to people. God Bless You - Chaplain Dave - U.S. *Disclaimer

*Just wanted to let you know how helpful your resources are. We are a small church and have missed out on doing a lot of things. We ordered your Church Forms on CD and are just pleased. Keep up the good work of providing resources for Churches. - Lillian - U.S. *Disclaimer

*I am a minister of the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and have been tremendously blessed to access you and pray that God the Almighty favor you in what you do. You have enabled me to access ready-designed church documents. Thanks and God Bless You Terressa. - Bro. Mike - Kenya, Africa *Disclaimer

*Thank You! You're heart for giving free resources and making things so affordable is truly a blessing. My Pastor always says: "What you make happen for someone else, God will make happen for you!" May God richly bless you and your ministry to us and so many others, enlarge your territory and bring financial blessings with good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over!!! 10,000 Blessings! Leeanna - U.S. *Disclaimer

*Thanks for making this site available. I took over as secretary of our small church a few months ago, and I am having to create a lot of forms. This site is a blessing! - Vicki - U.S. *Disclaimer

*After years of frustration and being overcharged for Church Management software, I came across "Shepherbase" and all my problems were solved. *Disclaimer

This database:
  • 1. Tracks members and visitors
  • 2. Tracks contributions
  • 3. Organizes by both individual AND family
  • 4. Creates professional letters, relevant to church ministry
  • 5. Is easy to use
  • 6. Costs a mere fraction of other databases offering similar features. *Disclaimer
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I am very thankful for this product and I recommend it to anybody wanting to exit the cost and complexity rat race of Church databases.
Thank you Shepherdbase!
Brandt *Disclaimer
Anchorage, Alaska

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