The Free Printable Certificate - Ordination Certificate is available to download and print for your church administrative office...
What is an Ordination Certificate?
The official definition of Ordination is the process by which individuals are consecrated. Ordained ministers have been empowered to perform sacerdotal duties as defined by a select church doctrine. To perform various religious ceremonies or rites you have to be Ordained through a legal church who has accepted you as a spiritual leader within their organization.
Once the church has accepted for you to be ordained in The Gospel Ministry they will probably present you with an Ordination Certificate to prove you are an Ordained Minister.
An Ordained Minister is considered worthy of spiritual respect or devotion. They can perform wedding ceremonies, and they are allowed to move in certain institutions where the lay person might not be allowed entrance such as prisons, hospitals and nursing homes.
The Free Printable Certificate - Ordination Certificate below includes this scripture: "But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry." - 2 Timothy 4:5 (KJV)
Each individual church establishes it's own policies and procedures or guidelines for Church Ordination and License for Ministry. As a rule, each local church determines who they will ordain or license.
What is different between Ordained or Licensed? The difference between licensed and ordained ministers vary by the religious organizations that issue these credentials. In some organizations, ministerial licensing could be the first step in path to full ordination. In another instance, ministerial licensing can also be a way for a denomination to sanction the ministry of a person who doesn't meet it's ordination credentials, but they are very much engaged in an active ministry.
You can minimize these certificates if you prefer to have the capacity to fit in the minister's billfold for proof of a minister's ordination.
Remember to select the correct type of paper before printing the Certificate of License. Always make sure the weight and color are exactly what you want. Choosing thick, high quality paper or card stock paper that you can actually purchase from your local supply store or craft store is the best choice.
Choosing the color for your certificate paper is also important. I would recommend a nice neutral shade of cream or off-white. You can also purchase the gold seals as an added benefit to attach to the certificate.
Free Printable Certificate - Ordination Certificate
Note: These sample forms are meant to serve as example forms and should not be construed as legal documents. Please contact a legal professional for legal language for your specific organization.
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