The Youth Camp Games & Activities below are a great way to make sure your youth group has lots of fun at your next Youth Camp. There are two different download of fun games and activities below for you to download and print 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at your convenience for your next church event with your youth group.
The Camp Games & Activities will create a memorable Youth Camp for your youth. Make your camp an inspiration spiritually and at the same time make it fun for these children.
Here are some YC Games/Activities to give you some ideas:
One of the Youth Group Games below is:
Your youth group is going to love this game and they will want to play it all the time! This game is an alternative to dodgeball that’s less physically demanding, not as aggressive and better for playing with groups that have wide range of ages. However, it still has all the fund and action of dodgeball, while being more social and friendly.
Participants: 5 Minimum, No Maximum
Materials/Equipment: A Large, Safe Ball (Think Kickball) and Open Space Outside (Such as an Open Field or Parking Lot) or Indoors (Such as a Basketball Court)
Spud Game Rules and Instructions (Read Aloud to Group)
Everyone gathers in a circle and one player is ”It”. To start gameplay, “It” throws the ball in the air and shouts out another person’s name while everyone else runs away. The “New It” grabs the ball and shouts “STOP” as soon as they have possession of the ball. Holding the ball, the “New It” picks a “Target” and can take 4 big steps (Saying S-P-U-D if they like) toward the “Target” – no jumping! The “New It” then tries to hit the “Target” with the ball, without skipping the ball and no aiming for the head! The “Target” cannot jump out of the way, but can dodge with their feet planted on the ground or catch the ball. If the “Target” dodges or catches the ball, they become “It”. If the “New It” hits the “Target” with the ball and they don’t catch it, the “New It: becomes “It” and everyone gathers in a circle again. Gameplay continues until a final showdown between the remaining two players to determine the winner.
Spud Detailed Rules and Instructions
1. Have everyone share their name aloud. Then, choose someone to be “It”.
2. “It” gets the ball and the rest of the players stand in a circle around “It”.
3. “It” throws the ball up into the air and calls out any one person’s name.
4. As soon as “It” throws the ball into the air, everyone runs as fast as they can.
5. The person call out by “It” runs back and grabs the ball and screams STOP.
6. Everyone must stop at once. (Be aware that youth will try to get away with not stopping immediately. It might be good to have another adult just watching and making sure everyone is stopping when STOP is called).
7. Once STOP has been called, the “New It” (the person’s whose name was called and is now holding the ball) has 4 steps thy can take (S P U D) to reach the closest player.
8. The “New It” can’t jump, but can take as big as steps as they can – no more than 4.
9. The “New It” then picks out a “Target” person to throw the ball to try to get them out.
10. “New It” must hit the “Target” they choose, but no head shots.
11. If “New It” misses the “Target”, or if the “Target” catches the ball, then “New It” is now out and the “Target” is now the new “It”.
12. If “New It” successfully hits their target, then the “Target” is now out, and “New It” remains “It”.
13. Return to Step 2 – Gather everyone in a circle again and keep playing until only one person is left.
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