The inspiring Thanksgiving Activities below are available free below to download and print.
On that Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, millions of Americans from every religious and cultural background with come together with family and friends with come together with family and friends to give thanks for the blessings in their lives.
These Thanksgiving ideas below will help make your Thanksgiving Blessings so much more special for your family and friends and church family. These childrens holiday activities will be fun for both the children and the adults.
Enjoy a few of the favorite Thanksgiving Activities below and feel free to share them with your church, family and friends.
Thanksgiving Ideas and Activities
Sharing Thanksgiving at the Table
Create a turkey or leaf out of paper and place one at each setting at the Thanksgiving table with an assignment (A Scripture to read, etc.) written on each of them. Write a note for each person to add to the festivities by completing their assignment such as:
You can use the same assignment on more than one setting.
Finding Your Seat at the Thanksgiving Table
Have the children create a place card for each seat or place setting at the Thanksgiving table. On the back side of the seat, write the name of the family or guest on a card. On the front side of the seat, write a Scripture verse about being thankful. When everyone is setting at the Thanksgiving table, let each person read their verse before the saying the blessing and eating.
Preparing Thanksgiving Meals
Have your Youth Group prepare Thanksgiving meals for the less fortunate the weekend before the Thanksgiving holiday. The youth would work under the supervision of the youth coordinator and would take active roles in the planning and cooking of the Thanksgiving meals. This youth Thanksgiving activity will teach and show the children to never take for granted their blessings because there are some who does not have the same opportunities or material goods as they do.
Honoring the Church’s Senior Citizens
Allow the children to pay tribute to the church’s senior citizens. For the teenagers in the church, have them prepare food and clothing baskets to the church’s senior citizens who are not able to attend church because of prolonged illnesses. Have them bring board games and books to entertain the senior citizens if possible. This is a good way to help show these children how to show gratitude toward their elders and gain respect and wisdom from the senior citizens’ life stories.
Thanksgiving Sunday School Ideas
Have the Sunday School children sign worship songs that reflect on and gives thanks for the glory of God’s creation.
Have the Sunday School children read Scriptures that embraces the abundance of creativity and diversity within the earth such as:
Have the Sunday School children go outside and find seasonal artifacts to fill the classroom or even church’s sanctuary such as vibrant leaves, gourds, pumpkins, arrangements of dried grasses, chrysanthemums, and pansies are all natural elements that might be available in this season depending on the area where you live.
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