Thanksgiving Flyers and Menu, Planning Guide and Forms, Certificates, Games, Kids Activities, Thanksgiving Fundraiser Events, Bible Study...
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays of the year!
The first Thanksgiving in those British colonies that became the United States of America, was held, on December 4, 1619, at Harrison’s Landing, at the Berkeley Plantation, in the Virginia colony, two years before Puritans arrived in Massachusetts.
It was a religious observance in which God was thanked for protecting the settlers and ensuring their safe arrival in Virginia. Click on First Thanksgiving Day for the history on Thanksgiving.
There are many Thanksgiving Fundraiser Events that your church or organization can do during this holiday to raise money for a great cause. Click here to access the Thanksgiving Fundraiser Events such as the Thanksgiving Dinner Fundraiser (free flyer to download for dinner).
If you would like to have some fun Thanksgiving Treats for your kids at home or church just click on Kids Thanksgiving Treats to access these fun recipes.
Click Here to Access the Free Thanksgiving Games for Your Sunday School Class or Children at Home.
Thanksgiving certificates is a simple but special way to wish someone Happy Thanksgiving. Click on Thanksgiving Certificates (4) to access these beautiful certificates.
Thanksgiving is a whole day centered on food, family, and fun. Here are some Kids Thanksgiving Activities such as Thanksgiving crafts, games, and coloring pages to keep our little ones happy this Thanksgiving.
Make November a month of thankfulness by doing this great Thanksgiving Idea November Thankful Notes where you and your family can write down each day in the month of November what you are thankful for and then share these thankful special moments at the Thanksgiving table with your family and friends.
I enjoy very much Thanksgiving because we have so much to be thankful for and being surrounded by family/church family and all the wonderful Thanksgiving food, well it can't get much better.
Always plan ahead and prepare for your Thanksgiving. This will help make everything go smoother and make this the best Thanksgiving ever. Click on Thanksgiving Planner Forms & Guide to access the guide and forms (9).
There is nothing that says Thanksgiving like the smell of roast turkey wafting through your kitchen ... and the rest of the house. Click on "How to Make Your Thanksgiving Turkey" for the 14 Step Recipe of a delicious mouth-watering tender Thanksgiving turkey.
The Thanksgiving Bible Study is a great activity for the entire family along with taking the Thanksgiving Survey "Being Thankful for Your Blessings". This survey will absolutely make you stop and give thanks for your blessings.
Click Here for More Thanksgiving Activities Free to Download and Print.
The Thanksgiving Flyers for the Basket Delivery Program is an excellent way for your church to organize giving away Thanksgiving baskets to the needy people who might spend their Thanksgiving without any turkey, or maybe any food at all.
It's hard for me to sit there with all the food on the table surrounded by my wonderful family without thinking of the unfortunate people/children who might be hungry at that time.
It's a wonderful feeling if your church is able to share Thanksgiving Baskets with your community who isn't as fortunate as we are!
There are also a Thanksgiving Dinner Flyer and Thanksgiving Menu if your church plans to have a Thanksgiving dinner for members.
The Fall Festival Event Flyer below can also be used for any type of church event anytime throughout the fall season.
Click on the link(s) to download the file(s) below:Thanksgiving Flyers for Basket Delivery Program
Note: These sample forms are meant to serve as example forms and should not be construed as legal documents. Please contact a legal professional for legal language for your specific organization.
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Other Helpful Resources:
Eco-Friendly Thanksgiving Tips
Reduce your carbon footprint by simplifying your Thanksgiving Celebration.
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